Season 1 Knight Rider Nose

Built with true measurement's of an original 1-2 Season Knight Rider tv used bumper. Altho it can never be 100% accurate with out an actual mold off the original it's very close.
Price: $1,200 Shiping included in the USA and turn signal blackout covers and hardware to mount included. Bumper will be Block Sanded and all imperfections filled with 3m platinum filler, Ships out in Black Polyester Primer Surfacer. Just sand with 320-600 before paint is applied. As an added option the nose can be ordered with fog light Aluminum Grills installed for an extra $200. Grills have 3 rows and are adjustable.

Here's the nose with Aluminum Grills installed for an extra $200. Grills have 3 rows and are adjustable.